BluZen is a family-run wellness brand whose mission is to awaken the curators in all of us through calming, soothing, and restorative practices using premium essential oils & diffusers. We offer a range of product designed to enlighten, engage, and ease our client’s daily lives and everyday adventures. 100% pure and natural essential oils are always US-made.
WHAT WE BELIEVE: SCENTS LEAD TO ENRICHED EXPERIENCES We believe that life is a journey. Through self-care and daily wellness routines, we’re able to live life to the fullest. Whether it's curling up beneath a gravity blanket or relaxing to the scent of lavender from the oil diffuser at night, we are recharged and rejuvenated.
One way we best experience the world is through scent. Along our own travels as a family, we have relished the scent of coconut at the beach, or delighted in warm, oaky pines in the woods; we’ve fallen asleep to soothing lavender and been awoken by bright notes of citrus at daybreak. Scent is a cornerstone of our adventures––both cozied up on the couch together or outside making new memories. Scent connects us to people and periods of time. Scent grounds us in ourselves, our past, and inspires our future. Through our premium essential oils we invite customers to create space to slow down and reflect. We encouraged them to take pause and start dreaming.
And with BluZen, they’ll always have a scent to remember their experiences with.